Hundreds stranded as British airline Flybmi collapses - News Summed Up

Hundreds stranded as British airline Flybmi collapses

LONDON — Hundreds of passengers throughout Europe have been stranded by the abrupt collapse of the British regional airline Flybmi. British Midland Regional Limited, which operates as Flybmi, said it’s filing for administration — a British version of bankruptcy — because of higher fuel costs and uncertainty caused by Britain’s upcoming departure from the European Union. It employed 376 people in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Belgium and says it carried 522,000 passengers on 29,000 flights last year. Flybmi said all flights will be cancelled and advised passengers to seek refunds from credit card issuers, travel agents or travel insurance companies. Flybmi said it would not be rescheduling passengers on other airlines’ flights.

Source: National Post February 17, 2019 09:45 UTC

