How you can help fill out a mushroom map of North America - News Summed Up

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How you can help fill out a mushroom map of North America

(Hallie Cotnam/CBC - image credit)It's fall tradition to look up into the trees to admire fiery shades of red, orange and gold, but for the next month, an Ottawa mushroom lover is inviting people to look down instead. And not just in the National Capital Region, but across North America. People can upload their mushroom sightings via several applications, including iNaturalist and Mushroom Observer, Courteau told CBC Radio's Ottawa Morning on a mushroom hunt off March Road near Huntmar Drive on Wednesday. As long as locations are included, the observations will help fill out a map of North America showing which mushrooms are growing where at any point in the month. "I always carry with me this little pocket mirror, and it allows me to see the underside of the mushroom, which is probably one of the main distinguishing features of a mushroom," Courteau said.

Source: CBC News September 18, 2022 20:23 UTC

