How is Japan supporting the semiconductor supply chain? - News Summed Up

How is Japan supporting the semiconductor supply chain?

Jun 10, 2024 20:15:00How is Japan supporting the semiconductor supply chain? Japan, which was a 'semiconductor manufacturing powerhouse' in the 1980s, has since been overtaken by Taiwan and South Korea, and there are high expectations forthe TSMC Kumamoto plant, which is due to be completed in February 2024. However, this does not mean that Japan has lost its influence in the semiconductor supply chain; rather, it continues to have a strong presence in the production of materials used in semiconductor manufacturing. When we look at the fab business of cutting-edge semiconductors such as 2nm semiconductors, TSMC has an overwhelming presence, being featured in the news every day. However, semiconductor manufacturing is not only carried out by fab companies, but the semiconductor supply chain is made up of a multitude of companies in various fields, such as 'companies that design semiconductors,' 'companies that produce semiconductor materials,' and 'companies that manufacture semiconductor manufacturing equipment.'

Source: Wall Street Journal June 10, 2024 12:21 UTC

