How a bad road delays trade between Kenya and Uganda - News Summed Up

How a bad road delays trade between Kenya and Uganda

Turkana people of Kenya and Matheniko communities of Uganda have lived peacefully side by side since 1973 when they signed a peace pact and committed to better business. Ms Jane Nakaru, a local trader, says she expected that traders from Moroto in Uganda and Lodwar, Turkwel, and Lorugum in Kenya would be attracted to the centre. “I am a small-scale trader who relies on bodaboda operators to get cereals, vegetables, fruits, and sugar from Nakiloro market in Uganda. In less than a week, all traders abandoned the market for their manyatta shops in villages,” Ms Nakaru said. The Lodwar — Moroto road is characterised by steep and rocky slopes at a section between Lokiriama and Nakiloro.

Source: Daily Nation November 15, 2024 13:52 UTC

