How a Haitian-Canadian’s message helped fuel an uprising - News Summed Up

How a Haitian-Canadian’s message helped fuel an uprising

Mirambeau Jr. is holding up a handwritten cardboard sign written in Creole that reads: "Where is the PetroCaribe money?" “I was witnessing this, and the whole night I couldn’t sleep,” said Mirambeau, who donned a blindfold in the picture to symbolize justice. It was retweeted by a popular rapper and actor, and other Haitians quickly joined in, using the hashtag #petrocaribechallenge. “Social media played a big part because we could point fingers at the senators, deputies, state members, and it was in their face,” he said. Mirambeau, meanwhile, says the protests will continue until those responsible for the missing PetroCaribe funds are tried and convicted.

Source: thestar February 22, 2019 18:45 UTC

