How Cenk Uygur Threw The Race To Replace Katie Hill Into Chaos - News Summed Up

How Cenk Uygur Threw The Race To Replace Katie Hill Into Chaos

But Cenk Uygur, the founder and longtime host of the popular progressive news network The Young Turks, had other ideas. Two weeks after Smith launched her campaign, Uygur, who does not live in the district, announced his own candidacy for the open seat. Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-Calif.) of state Assemblywoman Christy SmithIf voters were to send either Smith or Uygur to Congress, they would likely cast a lot of similar votes as members. Uygur pitches himself as a more progressive alternative to Smith, whom he describes as a “bland” establishment-backed candidate. On Thursday, Sanders — who has received consistent support from Uygur and The Young Turks — threw his weight behind the underdog candidate.

Source: Huffington Post December 18, 2019 10:41 UTC

