Grenada PM: Carriacou 'flattened' by Hurricane Beryl - News Summed Up

Grenada PM: Carriacou 'flattened' by Hurricane Beryl

Prime Min­is­ter of Grena­da Dick­on Mitchell has said that the is­land of Car­ri­a­cou has been “flat­tened” in just half an hour and that gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials al­so ex­pect­ed “ex­treme” dam­age on the neigh­bour­ing is­land of Pe­tite Mar­tinique. The is­lands were bad­ly hit Beryl, a pow­er­ful Cat­e­go­ry 4 hur­ri­cane that be­gan sweep­ing through the east­ern Caribbean Is­lands on Mon­day, mak­ing a dev­as­tat­ing land­fall on Car­ri­a­cou, a small is­land north of Grena­da. Mitchell said that the com­plete scale of the dam­age on Car­ri­a­cou and Pe­tite Mar­tinique would not be clear un­til Mon­day evening, adding that he would trav­el to Car­ri­a­cou as soon as it was safe to do so. “There was dev­as­ta­tion all around,” the prime min­is­ter said. The prime min­is­ter of Bar­ba­dos, Mia Mot­t­ley, told a na­tion­wide broad­cast from the is­land’s emer­gency op­er­a­tions cen­tre that as many as 20 fish­ing boats, in­clud­ing two pop­u­lar cruis­ers, had pos­si­bly sunk.

Source: New York Times July 02, 2024 03:47 UTC

