Arpita Khan Sharma and Aayush Sharma recently surprised Salman Khan on his birthday with a little gift. Arpita gave birth to a baby girl Ayat Sharma on Salman Khan's birthday, December 27, 2019. Aayush, while talking about his and Arpita's mutual decision to bring Ayat into the world on Salman Khan's birthday, told Hindustan Times it was a gift for Salman. He also went on to seriously state that Arpita has a habit of throwing parties and he is saved from one party so they decided to keep Ayat's birthday with Salman Khan's. For the uninitiated, Arpita's due date was in the last week of December or the first week of January, but when Salman Khan asked for a gift, they went for C-section.
Source: dna January 02, 2020 05:37 UTC