Harvest and Arrivals: A Roaster’s Guide to Coffee Seasons - News Summed Up

Harvest and Arrivals: A Roaster’s Guide to Coffee Seasons

It affords the opportunity to cup early harvest, take photos at nearly every step of the process, and still have a say in how the later-picking lots may turn out. Thus, if the yield is large enough, early harvests may be ready to ship as much as four or five months before the final pass for the season. Secondary harvest cycles, known as “fly crop” or mitaca, are irregular summer harvest periods usually marked by lower volumes and quality. Royal Coffee logistics specialist Jodi Louws dug through the Royal archives and helped me analyze thousands upon thousands of shipping and arrival data points related to shifting seasons in coffee shipments. Per Royal Coffee CEO Max Nicholas-Fulmer, “The main reason was climatic, pushing back our deliveries by about six weeks.

Source: Ethiopian News November 07, 2018 19:24 UTC

