“The Akufo-Addo/Bawumia/Ofori-Atta govt announced a total freeze in public sector jobs during the 2023 Budget presentation but why is the notorious Office of Government Machinery (OGM) exempted? “Page 230 of the 2023 Budget reveals a higher staff strength ceiling of 3,681 up from 2,111 contained on page 273 in the 2022 Budget. This means govt projects to recruit an additional 1,570 OGM workers in 2023. The government announced that it will freeze the hiring of public and civil servants for the 2023 financial year. Ken Ofori-Atta made this known while presenting the 2023 budget before parliament on Thursday, November 24, 2022.
Source: GhanaWeb December 02, 2022 11:53 UTC