According to Chairman Wontumi who spoke to GhanaWeb, the High Court on Thursday, December 1, 2022, issued a bench warrant against Afia Schwarzenegger and Mr Logic after a sitting. Nana Ama McBrown who is the host of United Showbiz on UTV, the channel on which the said comments were passed, has been fined GH¢60,000, said Chairman Wontumi. The Ashanti Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) is in court with Afia Schwarzenegger after the socialite proclaimed publicly that she had been in an amorous relationship with the politician. Afia restated her allegations on the United Showbiz show hosted by Nana Ama McBrown with two co-panelists, A Plus and Mr. Logic also making pronouncements on Afia’s allegations despite the matter being before the courts. On July 14, 2022, Chairman Wontumi subsequently dragged Afia Schwarzenegger, Nana Ama McBrown, Kwame A Plus, Mr Logic and Fadda Dickson before court for contempt.
Source: GhanaWeb December 01, 2022 13:32 UTC