Locally known as “lapu-lapu” or “kugtong,” the giant groupers were released into Sarangani Bay from the jetty of the Sarangani Energy Corp's 210-megawatt power plant during the province’s Ocean Month Celebration recently to help replenish the grouper population in the area. With proper monitoring and supervision, the giant groupers we released can help repopulate Sarangani Bay with groupers,” Genosa said. Coast Guard Auxiliary stationed near the jetty also vowed to watch out for enterprising fishermen who might be tempted to catch one of the giant groupers. “We have been restocking Sarangani Bay with milkfish but we decided to take it a step further by putting breeders back in the wild where they belong. During the event, Alsons Power corporate affairs manager Ruben Tungpalan reiterated SEC’s commitment to protect and preserve Sarangani Bay.
Source: The Standard July 22, 2017 16:07 UTC