Bhupesh Baghel, who is said to be a key player behind the party’s impressive win in the state’s assembly elections, will be the new chief minister of Chhattisgarh, the Congress announced on Sunday. The decision to name Baghel as the chief minister was taken at a meeting of the newly elected Congress Legislature Party (CLP) on Sunday. The new chief minister of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel, while speaking to Hindustan Times in an exclusive interview, said that his first priority as the new CM is to “waive off the loan of farmers as our president Rahul Gandhi had promised in the campaign rallies”. Our first priority is to waive off the loans of farmers as our party president Rahul Gandhi had promised in the campaign rallies. There is a narrative that you will do vendetta politics after becoming chief minister of the state.
Source: Hindustan Times December 16, 2018 08:48 UTC