Empower a Woman with Water and She Can Change Her City - News Summed Up

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Empower a Woman with Water and She Can Change Her City

Water scarcity is a key issue increasingly affecting cities in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region. The situation is exacerbated by other factors such as displacement, conflict, weak governance, and political and social unrest. Although they play a key role in supplying livelihoods and food security, their ability to act on the management of water resources often remains limited. Cities Alliance’s new brief Empower a Woman with Water and She Can Change Her City, provides an overview of the situation in the region, and share expert views on the issue in countries such as Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, and Palestine. The document showcases some of the grassroots initiatives that are enabling women to play a role in water management and makes recommendations for improved women’s engagement in this field.

Source: The North Africa Journal April 11, 2023 07:25 UTC

