The fake news was first posted by a 62-year-old man from South Chawngtui village in Hnahthial district in a WhatsAppp group called Runtlang Hraichawi. (Shutterstock)Two elderly persons have been arrested for spreading fake news about the novel coronavirus, a senior police officer said on Sunday. Mizoram inspector-general of police (headquarters) John Neihlaia said fake news about new positive case being detected in the state was widely circulated on WhatsApp groups recently. The fake news claimed the co-passenger of a person, who tested positive for Covid-19 recently, was also found infected with coronavirus. The fake news was first posted by a 62-year-old man from South Chawngtui village in Hnahthial district in a WhatsAppp group called Runtlang Hraichawi.
Source: The Telegraph March 29, 2020 20:03 UTC