'Devastating disaster': Study links climate change and horrific flood that killed thousands - News Summed Up

'Devastating disaster': Study links climate change and horrific flood that killed thousands

Thousands of people died in a horrific flood in Libya earlier this month, a tragedy that was worsened by human-caused climate change, a study released Tuesday found. The study was prepared by the World Weather Attribution (WWA) group, which does quick analyses of weather and climate events to determine what, if any, role human-caused climate change may have had. Scientists used established peer-reviewed methods to determine the contribution of climate change to the floods. The interaction of these factors, and the very heavy rain that was worsened by climate change, created the extreme death and destruction, the study said. Human-induced climate change is loading the dice, enhancing the ability of tropical cyclones and similar storms to produce extreme rain as they draw more water vapor out of oceans into a warming atmosphere."

Source: Libya Today September 19, 2023 14:03 UTC

