Libya Protests Turn Violent as Flood Survivors Demand Accountability - News Summed Up

Libya Protests Turn Violent as Flood Survivors Demand Accountability

Hundreds of Libyans protested outside a mosque in Derna on Monday to demand government accountability for the deadly flood, while other demonstrators marched up to the house of the mayor, setting it on fire. An exact death toll has been difficult to ascertain, with many bodies unidentified and efforts focused on helping survivors. Aid workers have been overwhelmed by the magnitude of the crisis, and Derna residents who are now homeless are still lacking basic food and supplies. One protester held up a poster that read, “The sad city of Derna demands the restoration of its rights." “We demand immediate and effective reconstruction of the city of Derna and compensation for the victims," read another demand.

Source: Libya Today September 19, 2023 12:19 UTC

