Finance Minister Arun Jaitley during a Press Conference at the BJP HQ in New Delhi on Tuesday. Express Photo by Tashi Tobgyal Finance Minister Arun Jaitley during a Press Conference at the BJP HQ in New Delhi on Tuesday. Referring to Manmohan Singh’s comment on demonetisation, Jaitley said: “organised loot is what happened in 2G, CWG, coal block allocations.”“All that Dr Singh has to do is to compare the global credibility of Indian economy pre-2014 and post 2014,” he said. Describing demonetisation as an economic exercise with “ethical and moral rationale”, Jaitley added that the Congress’ only motive is to serve one family while the BJP serves the people. Arun Jaitley said: “organised loot is what happened in 2G, CWG, coal block allocations.” Express Photo by Tashi Tobgyal New Delhi 071117 Arun Jaitley said: “organised loot is what happened in 2G, CWG, coal block allocations.” Express Photo by Tashi Tobgyal New Delhi 071117UPA regime was riddled with policy paralysis, he said, while NDA government is built on structural reforms.
Source: Indian Express November 07, 2017 10:43 UTC