Joining Hollywood, getting married to the love of her life Ranveer Singh, to now turning a producer with her upcoming release Chhapaak, Deepika Padukone is living quite the dream by the time she turns 34-year-old. A report on Mumbai Mirror goes on to state that Deepika Padukone will ring in her 34th birthday in a quite special manner. The actress will be with acid-attack survivors during her visit to Lucknow, followed by her movie Chhapaak's promotions in Delhi. Deepika will leave for Delhi later in the day to resume the promotional rounds of Chhapaak,” a source told the daily. Directed by Talvar and Raazi helmer Meghna Gulzar, Chhapaak is the story of acid-attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal, portrayed by Deepika Padukone on screen with Malti.
Source: dna January 02, 2020 04:52 UTC