In a refreshing change from an average Bollywood film where our 50-something Bollywood stars play half their age, De De Pyaar De trailer has Ajay Devgn as a 50-year-old man. The trailer was released on Ajay’s 50th birthday on Tuesday. However, that is perhaps the most relatable moment in the trailer, which from there on makes jokes on Ajay’s age, Tabu’s age and the age-old trope of an older man falling in love with a 20-something girl. Also read: On Ajay Devgn’s birthday, 4 times when he hilariously roasted wife Kajol on InstagramThe film is being produced by TSeries and Luv Films. Directed by Akiv Ali, De De Pyaar De will release on May 17.
Source: Hindustan Times April 02, 2019 07:07 UTC