Daljeet Kaur, who plays Manjiri in Zee TV’s poignant show Kaala Teeka has received applause for her effortless portrayals of some very interesting characters across several television shows. And, the gorgeous actress isn’t leaving any stone unturned in proving her acting prowess yet again as Manjiri. To effortlessly depict a victim being raped by an invisible demon, Daljeet says she drew inspiration from actor Tabu’s horror flick Hawa where a similar scene has been enacted by the critically acclaimed actress. Daljeet says, “It was a very difficult scene and I was performing it for the very first time on television. Additionally, to perform the scene with conviction and a sense of realism, I took references from the film Hawa where Tabu has effortlessly enacted a similar scene.
Source: dna October 27, 2016 10:31 UTC