DWP's 'Orwellian' Universal Credit breaches rule of law, ex-top judge declares - News Summed Up

DWP's 'Orwellian' Universal Credit breaches rule of law, ex-top judge declares

The Child Poverty Action Group studied the decision to issue a single monthly UC payment, with only a “basic” breakdown of how it was worked out. (Image: Universal Pictorial Press)This “inadequate” information means many of the UK’s 1.8million UC claimants don’t know if there has been a mistake, CPAG said. But “the DWP is repeatedly falling down on every element of these public law obligations in its administration of Universal Credit,” he wrote. But our research shows Universal Credit claimants do not always understand the amounts they’re getting. “That is all the more worrying as the number of universal credit claims is set to double this year to 3million.

Source: Daily Mirror April 30, 2019 23:02 UTC

