DHB woes highlight system issues - News Summed Up
DHB woes highlight system issues

DHB woes highlight system issues

August 28, 2020 16:41 UTC

Trending Today

DHB woes highlight system issues

Photo: suppliedWhichever way you look at the shemozzle over resignations at Canterbury District Health Board, it does not leap into focus as a triumph of our current health governance system. After all, this is our second-largest DHB in terms of population and area. In the South we know all too well the damaging impact of ongoing DHB battles over deficits with the Ministry of Health and the ministry. The review panel wants Health NZ, the new body which would oversee DHBs, not to be an organisation which will just tell DHBs what to do. Rather, it would be designed to work with all parts of the system to ensure it is operating effectively, fairly and sustainably.

Source: Otago Daily Times August 28, 2020 16:41 UTC

