Cyber currency and cuisine - News Summed Up
Cyber currency and cuisine

Cyber currency and cuisine

July 03, 2019 05:03 UTC

Trending Today

Cyber currency and cuisine

If you’ve spent all your cash on new gizmos and have nothing left over for lunch, you needn’t worry about going hungry. Payments at the mall are made through the Creatanium Wallet directly from centralised ordering kiosks by scanning a dynamic QR code with instant conversion of the price from fiat dollars to tokens. “We created a seamless experience to show people that digital currencies function in the same way as their national equivalents,” says Karan Bharadwaj, who coordinated the API integration between the two systems. Through the Creatanium ecosystem, each service can be accessed under the same network for faster processing, convenience and safety in handing personal data and assets to a single company that users can trust. “The opening of the new Funan marks the official entry of digital currencies into everyday life,” enthuses Nicholas Lim, the young techpreneur who conceptualised and launched the Creatanium token last year.

Source: The Nation Bangkok July 03, 2019 05:03 UTC

