Crying homeless woman told to 'move along' by police - so a man could eat lunch - News Summed Up

Crying homeless woman told to 'move along' by police - so a man could eat lunch

(Image: iStockphoto)Author Matt Haig has shared a shocking story on social media which has brought the issue back into people's minds. He was in St Pancras train station when he decided to grab some lunch and while he was eating his soup, he got chatting to a homeless woman. Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8 Cancel Play nowBut during their conversation a police officer came up to them and asked the homeless woman to move along. "For her concern to be my enjoyment of my soup rather than the despair of a woman with nothing. Matt's tweets have now been shared and liked thousands of times, and they have started a huge conversation online.

Source: Daily Mirror April 25, 2018 18:11 UTC

