Alfie Evans' parents last-ditch appeal in fight to fly toddler to Italy REJECTED as three judges uphold High Court ruling - News Summed Up

Alfie Evans' parents last-ditch appeal in fight to fly toddler to Italy REJECTED as three judges uphold High Court ruling

Tom Evans, 21, and Kate James, 20, have challenged a High Court judge’s decision that their seriously ill son could not be taken to a hospital in Rome. (Image: Facebook)Sir Andrew McFarlane, who is one of the highest-ranking family court judges in the UK, headed a panel of three judges at the London-based court. The judges were told during the hearing that Alfie was “struggling” since being removed from life support on Monday evening. "He's stable, he's breathing, he's receiving water and some treatment and he's receiving his oxygen which is the most important thing." "He's more comfortable now he's got no tube and he's breathing for himself.

Source: Daily Mirror April 25, 2018 17:53 UTC

