Just 12.5 per cent of FTSE 100 seats were filled by women six years ago. Ministers confirmed a new target yesterday for a third of FTSE 350 boardroom roles to be filled by women by the end of the decade. A previous goal for women corporate leaders to take a quarter of FTSE 100 directorships was met last year, when the ratio rose to 26.1 per cent. However, campaigners for equality… Nicky Morgan, right, with Elizabeth Truss, the environment secretary, welcomed a target for women to take a third of FTSE 350 board seats ANDY RAIN/EPAFemale representation in the higher tiers of Britain’s biggest public companies has been branded “shockingly low” after research found that just 7 per cent of executive directors are women.
Source: The Times July 07, 2016 16:07 UTC