Consultants forecast agricultural exports will grow over US$13 bn in 2024 - News Summed Up

Consultants forecast agricultural exports will grow over US$13 bn in 2024

Some private studies indicate that sector exports could grow by over US$13 billion next year. A better climate will allow for a higher volume of exports of the main grains and their by-products. A report from Fundación Capital estimated that agricultural exports will total over US$32 billion next year. About US$13,2 billion of the US$19,3 billion lost in 2023 due to the severe drought would be recovered if the climate risk diminishes,” the study estimated, predicting agricultural exports will amount to around US$32,6 billion in 2024. If these estimated figures become real, however, foreign exchange generated by agricultural exports in 2024 will be below what was achieved in 2022 and 2021 (US$35,4 and US$33,6 billion, respectively).

Source: Bueno Aires Herald October 31, 2023 14:56 UTC

