Amid fuel shortage, Massa vows to bar oil exports from Wednesday - News Summed Up

Amid fuel shortage, Massa vows to bar oil exports from Wednesday

Following several days of fuel shortages, Economy Minister and presidential candidate Sergio Massa warned oil companies that export ships will be barred from leaving the country if the supply chain doesn’t return to normal. “If the fuel shortage is not solved by Tuesday midnight, [oil companies] won’t be able to send off a single export ship Wednesday,” he said during a press conference on Sunday noon. “At some point, there were some that speculated that the electoral result would cause a devaluation, so they may have saved up [their fuel],” Massa said. In that context, oil companies reached an agreement with the Economy Ministry and established a price freeze until October 31. The government announced it would import 10 tanker ships of fuel to avoid supply shortages.

Source: Bueno Aires Herald October 30, 2023 13:01 UTC

