Bringing home a bouncing new baby comes with a lot of benefits: sleepless nights, spit-up, cuddles and, for most, 12 months of partially paid leave. Canada Under the current Employment Insurance (EI) system, birth mothers get 15 weeks of maternity leave, plus an additional 35 weeks of parental leave to split between parents however they like. Article Continued BelowQuebec has its own system, with up to 55 weeks of partially paid leave, as well as three to five weeks of “use it or lose it,” non-transferable paternity leave for fathers. Unlike Canadian parents, moms and dads in the U.K. can take parental leave, go back to work for a while, then go back on leave up to three times. United States The United States catches a lot of flak worldwide for being the only economically developed country with no national paid maternity or parental leave at all.
Source: thestar November 14, 2017 22:52 UTC