Climate Brief:Solving Climate Change Will Not “Save the Planet”we MUST address Mass Extinctions - News Summed Up

Climate Brief:Solving Climate Change Will Not “Save the Planet”we MUST address Mass Extinctions

Approximately 80 percent of all Earth plants are angiosperms, or flowering plants, that require pollination from either bees, butterflies or other pollinating insects. "There is at present no plan, in any country, anywhere, on a global or national scale, to address extinctions, biodiversity crash, and habitat loss". When it comes to effects on wildlife, climate change is more like a mule, slow and plodding. It isn’t climate change that caused a 69 percent loss in total wildlife populations between 1970 and 2018, according to a World WildlifeFund study published this year. The cause is too many people demanding too much from ecosystems, or human overshoot of the biophysical carrying capacity of the Earth intercept.

Source: CNN December 04, 2022 20:07 UTC

