UK government could mitigate strike action with military to help keep public services running – KION546 - News Summed Up

UK government could mitigate strike action with military to help keep public services running – KION546

The action includes border control and state-run healthcare services, if key workers including nurses and ambulance drivers go on strike. “Our message to the unions is to say, this is not a time to strike, this is time to try and negotiate. According to the Office for National Statistics, 356,000 days were lost to strike action in August, not far off the previous high recorded in July 2014, when 386,000 days were lost. The disruption has continued during autumn, with several public service unions set to carry out strike action or ballot their members over pay. The Communication Workers Union (CWU), which represents striking postal workers, announced additional walkouts on December 9, 11, 14, 15, 23 and 24, which could jeopardize Christmas deliveries.

Source: CNN December 04, 2022 20:03 UTC

