The Human Resource Development Ministry has released ₹58.92 crore as part of grant to improve higher education institutions in the State. The allocation is under Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan, which envisages improvement of infrastructure, faculty development, research and innovation and upgrade of degree colleges to model institutions. The components of the funds are for faculty improvement, equity initiative, infrastructure grants to university and colleges, research and innovation, infrastructure grants to colleges, vocationalisation of higher education and upgrading existing degree colleges to model institutions. Nineteen colleges, including Presidency College, have been allocated ₹10.50 lakh for vocationalisation of higher education. The funds also include the third and final grant to improve infrastructure to Mother Teresa University Bharathiar University and Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
Source: The Hindu April 29, 2019 19:52 UTC