Can’t sleep at night? 5 foods that can cause anxiety and insomnia - News Summed Up

Can’t sleep at night? 5 foods that can cause anxiety and insomnia

In most cases, we think that anxiety is psychological, and which is true but did you know the kind of food you eat can also cause anxiety? If you consume excessive refined sugar, your energy level goes up because of an insulin surge and then after that, your blood sugar goes down. When blood sugar levels drop from high to low, hormones adrenalin and cortisol are released, which are the reason you feel anxious. During fermentation process, the protein in the food is broken down by the bacteria into tiny molecules called biogenic amines. And one of the most common biogenic amines that is found in fermented food is histamine, which is a powerful neurotransmitter.

Source: Hindustan Times January 23, 2018 09:22 UTC

