Business News of Friday, 14 October 2016Source: businessincameroon.comCameroon to get a PPP development strategyCARPA in CameroonWith the support of Expertise France, an international organisation in partnership with the World Bank to help promote public-private partnerships (PPP) in investment projects in the franc zone, Cameroon plans to get a PPP development strategy. The information was revealed during a recent meeting between the management of Expertise France and that of the Conseil d’Appui à la Réalisation des contrats de Partenariat (Carpa - Board of Support for the Implementation of Partnership Agreements) in Cameroon. “This is a strategy which should be based on creating a certain number of skills for the Carpa experts, but also, experts from upstream Ministries in charge of handing their investment projects over to us. This is a strategy which should also put an emphasis on processing projects, as well as the development of assessment tools”, explains Dieudonné Bondoma Yokono, President of Carpa. According to the management of Carpa, the implementation of this National PPP Development Strategy will above all help in boosting this mechanism for financing and executing major projects, in an environment where access to funding is difficult
Source: CameroonWeb October 14, 2016 10:04 UTC