Actress and former model Bhumika Chawla whom you probably know as Nirjara from ‘Tere Naam’ has been seen working in over 50 Hindi, Tamil and Telugu films. In a recent rumour, people speculated that the actress is about to be invited onto the upcoming season of Big Boss but Bhumika denied it all. She penned a note on an Instagram post with a gorgeous picture, which read, “FAKE NEWS - No I have not been offered Big Boss -NO WON'T DO IT IF OFFERED. I was offered season 1, 2, 3 & later some time again & refused to do all. Much love.”Meanwhile, as far as the work front is concerned, Bhumika will be seen in Sampath Nandi’s ‘Seetimaarr’.
Source: dna June 07, 2021 08:15 UTC