Recently Fatima Sana Shaikh, who had been working with Aamir Khan so far, whether in Dangal or Thugs of Hindostan, announced that she is now doing a film with the other Khan, Saif Ali Khan. Talking to Mumbai Mirror, Saif Ali Khan said the shooting of Bhoot Police has been postponed. Talking about Tanhaji, Saif recollected he first heard about the name through Amar Chitra Katha. Khan also went on to talk about how his father Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi cultivated the habit of reading inside him. "When I was a child, my dad (the late Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi) gave me the Ramayana and Mahabharata in the comic book form.
Source: dna January 02, 2020 04:41 UTC