Anishinaabe artist crafts giant bead sculpture to honour SickKids patients - News Summed Up

Anishinaabe artist crafts giant bead sculpture to honour SickKids patients

They stitched together the 90-centimetre sculpture with 250,000 beads, plus 3,000 others that were donated from the hospital's Bravery Bead Program. Monument to the Brave consists of 250,000 beads, plus 3,000 others that were donated from SickKids’ Bravery Beads Program. Geoffrey Fang, 17, has collected hundreds of bravery beads during his hospital visits and donated some of them to the project. Geoffrey Fang, 17, was among the hundreds of patients to donate his bravery beads to the project. "With all the beads from the bravery beads project and with Nico's own work, it's quite a breathtaking experience especially when you understand the meaning behind the monument."

Source: CBC News April 07, 2021 07:52 UTC

