Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty's husband Raj Kundra was arrested after being accused of producing porn films and sharing online through an app and was arrested late Monday night. Raj Kundra was named as the 'key conspirator' in the case by the Mumbai Police, which said that there is enough evidence in this regard while adding an investigation is still underway. Earlier in February this year, an FIR was registered against Raj for producing porn films and sharing them on social media. Raj was the co-owner of the IPL franchise Rajasthan Royals at that time, the team Rahane was playing for then and featured till 2019 before being released. Here are some of them:Rahane talking to Raj Kundra — sudhanshu` (@whoshud) July 19, 2021Rahane to Raj Kundra : — N I T I N (@theNitinWalke) July 19, 2021
Source: dna July 20, 2021 10:30 UTC