A yardstick for caning - News Summed Up

A yardstick for caning

By Liam Gibson / Staff reporterThe majority of the dozen Taiwanese interviewed by the Taipei Times on Wednesday of last week believe that caning is a justifiable punishment for repeat drunk driving. Two days before the forum, the Taipei Times sampled opinions from passersby in and around National Taiwan University. The incident has generated heated debate and has been used by advocates as an example as to why caning is needed. HUMAN RIGHTS QUESTIONLast month Premier William Lai (賴清德) cast doubt over the proposal, saying caning might violate Taiwan’s human rights commitments. The NTU faculty member seconded Lai’s statement, adding that adopting caning would seriously impact Taiwan’s international reputation as a defender of human rights.

Source: Taipei Times December 06, 2017 15:56 UTC

