A dram of Kiwi whisky for a Burns Night supper - News Summed Up

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A dram of Kiwi whisky for a Burns Night supper

Like the Scottish exports of golf, haggis and tartan troos, Robert Burns is an acquired taste. As a well known womaniser who boasted of sowing more wild oats than a box of Quakers, Robert Burns might not be an ideal role model for the #MeToo era. Possibly the only writer to be memorialised on postage stamps by both the USA and Soviet Union, Burns' words had appeal. The Burns Night celebrations in Dunedin, Otago's Edinburgh of the South might be the only ones in the world happening in person. The New Zealand Whisky CollectionSadly the cellar door in Oamaru is no more.

Source: New Zealand Herald January 25, 2021 07:30 UTC

