I JUST attended a leadership training event in Seremban: The Global Leadership Summit Malaysia. Today, there are seven million children who might otherwise have died if not for the life-enhancing work of that foundation. In George S. Clason’s book The Richest Man in Babylon, there is a chapter entitled Seven Cures for a Lean Purse. These are Clason’s Seven Cures:START thy purse to fattening;CONTROL thy expenditures;MAKE thy gold multiply;GUARD thy treasures from loss;MAKE of thy dwelling a profitable investment;INSURE a future income; and,INCREASE thy ability to earn. We should also transfer most of the inherent economic risks of living to reputable insurers through cost-effective life and general insurance policies — Cures 5 and 6.
Source: New Strait Times November 06, 2016 08:24 UTC