Mumbai: The Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) arrested six individuals, including a murder case accused, during a raid at a Borivali (east) guest house. Acting on a tip-off, ATS officials uncovered that a few men were allegedly staying at Ellora guest house and were conspiring to commit a crime in Mumbai. Mumbai, India - Jan. 7, 2024: Mumbai ATS arrested 6 people from Alora guest house Borivali with weapons in Mumbai, India, on Sunday, January 7, 2024. (Photo by Satish Bate/ Hindustan Times) (Hindustan Times)The apprehended individuals, deemed armed and dangerous, were taken into custody on Sunday morning. Furthermore, a Mahindra Scorpio Jeep, linked to one of the accused, was found parked at the guest house.
Source: Hindustan Times January 08, 2024 11:43 UTC