20th African Lion Exercise officially launched Monday – The North Africa Post - News Summed Up

20th African Lion Exercise officially launched Monday – The North Africa Post

The official launch of the 20th edition of the African Lion exercise took place Monday at a ceremony held at the headquarters of the South Zone Headquarters in Agadir, in the presence of representatives of the participating countries. Besides the FAR and the US Armed Forces, around 7,000 elements of armed forces from some 20 countries, plus the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), are taking part in these large-scale military maneuvers. Speaking on the occasion, Major General Mohammed Benlouali stressed that the African Lion 2024 exercise marks twenty years of fruitful cooperation, distinguished partnership, and permanent commitment to the values of peace and security. For his part, Major General Todd R. Wasmund stated that Morocco will always remain the home of the African Lion exercise, expressing his thanks to the FAR for their unwavering commitment to this 20-year-long partnership. The African Lion 2024 exercise, taking place this year in Benguerir, Agadir, Tan-Tan, Akka, and Tifnit, comprises a number of activities, including combined day and night tactical, land, sea, and air exercises, a special forces exercise, airborne operations, and an operational planning exercise for Task Force staff.

Source: The North Africa Journal May 20, 2024 17:35 UTC

