Syrian mercenaries seek cash in Niger’s mayhem – The North Africa Post - News Summed Up

Syrian mercenaries seek cash in Niger’s mayhem – The North Africa Post

Hundreds of pro-Turkey Syrian mercenaries are flocking to Niger to join the ranks of the military regime in Niamey. AFP cited several unnamed fighters, lured by cash, who traveled with a Turkish private company to the resource rich country in the unstable Sahel region. And in recent months, at least 1,000 fighters have been sent to Niger “to protect Turkish projects and interests,” said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor. According to AFP, Syrian mercenaries earn on average 1500 dollars monthly, a good sum compared to the situation in the war-ravaged northern Syria where they mostly come from. Turkey has also reportedly sent mercenaries to help Azerbaijan in its war against Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Source: The North Africa Journal May 20, 2024 15:23 UTC

