A more intimate crisis inspired him to write a book explaining economics to his teenage daughterYanis Varoufakis is telling me about the birth of his daughter, Xenia. In the end, when we decided we were going to part … conception happened.”Facebook Twitter Pinterest Yanis Varoufakis speaks to the press in Athens after resigning as finance minister after the referendum on Greece’s bailout package in July 2015. Because I was missing my daughter so badly.”Do real men change nappies? Yanis Varoufakis with his daughter Xenia Photograph: Courtesy of Yanis Varoufakis“It’s the Great Reversal, as I call it,” says Varoufakis. She reads a lot … she’s a happy kid, I think.”• Talking to My Daughter About the Economy by Yanis Varoufakis (Bodley Head Adults, £14.99).
Source: The Guardian October 28, 2017 05:15 UTC