World mourns passing of leading wild cat expert and conservationist Alan Rabinowitz, age 64 - News Summed Up

World mourns passing of leading wild cat expert and conservationist Alan Rabinowitz, age 64

His more than three decades of conservation work have also helped contribute to improve wildlife conservation here in Thailand and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. According to the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), whose Thailand programme is active in supporting wildlife conservation and management here, Rabinowitz helped to establish protected areas in Thailand. Rabinowitz also wrote a number of books about wild cats and conservation in Thailand, to boost knowledge about the country’s conservation among the public. Fearless and outspoken“Alan was a fearless and outspoken champion for the conservation of our planet’s iconic wild cats and wild places. “Dr Rabinowitz was a pioneer researcher on big cats and left many legacies for conservation in Asia.

Source: The Nation Bangkok August 07, 2018 13:30 UTC

