World Alzheimer's Day: 10 signs that may help detect the disease in early stages - News Summed Up

World Alzheimer's Day: 10 signs that may help detect the disease in early stages

In the early stages, patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) may appear completely normal on physical examination and mental status testing. It is important to consult with a neurologist if an individual manifests these symptoms so that early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is made. Medications used to treat early stages of Alzheimer's disease work by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine that are responsible for the storage of memory in the brain. Activities like puzzle-solving and learning a new language may delay the progression of the disease by increasing brain reserve. It is also important to rule out certain conditions which mimic dementia but warrant urgent treatment like clots in the brain, brain tumours and certain endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism.

Source: dna September 21, 2020 07:18 UTC

