Women officers 'not fit' for combat roles in military: Indian army chief - News Summed Up

Women officers 'not fit' for combat roles in military: Indian army chief

Genera­l Rawat says women have respon­sibili­ty of raisin­g childr­en... male soldie­rs may not accept a woman leadin­g themThe Indian army chief has said that women military personnel are not ‘fit’ to be considered for combat roles within the army. There aren’t any women currently serving in front-line combat positions within the Indian army, he added. The military chief also accused soldiers of peeping when their female comrades change their outfits. Indian army chief says time ripe for ‘another surgical strike’Gen Rawat reiterated that he was ready to introduce women to combat roles, however the army may not be, as “most soldiers come from villages and they may not accept a woman officer leading them.”He also highlighted maternity leave as an issue for serving women officers. “She [a woman officer] can’t leave her unit for six months, but objecting to the said leave could create a ‘ruckus’.”Modi’s handpicked army chief shouldn’t be taken seriously: Ex-FM KasuriThe army chief added that if he made a woman a commanding officer, she can’t be away from her duty for six months.

Source: The Express Tribune December 16, 2018 10:18 UTC

