Windows into the past - News Summed Up

Windows into the past

In the past, Thais believed that owning an auspicious cat would bring fortune and prosperity to the owner. Samutphap Khlong Ruesi Dat Ton was first published in 2007 to celebrate the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej's 80th birthday. Based on an ancient book written during the reign of King Rama III, Samutphap Sat Himmapan boasts 73 drawings of mythological animals from Himmapan forest. After that, visitors can enjoy a historic cruise through a pictorial manuscript of the royal barge procession during the reign of King Narai. It recounts the story of Supriti Dhammaraj, who gave his three sons to a Brahman in order to attain nirvana.

Source: Bangkok Post September 08, 2021 23:47 UTC

